design I: ps 101 edible schoolyard

Leah Meisterlin

An analysis of the existing school found that it is imposing from the view of a child due to the materials used, the scale of the school, and the concentration of the materials. The proposal atomizes and reintroduces the existing materials of the school while increasing recreation space and adding new programs to the space including gardens, classrooms, and community space accessible throughout the day. The new programs and more approachable design seeks to inspire students and community members to live healthy lives.

Above: Section drawing showing accessibility of proposal, divisions between school and community space, and proximity between recreation space and gardening areas.

Warped drawing representing intimidating view of existing school building
Warped drawing representing intimidating view of existing school building


Analysis of existing school and concentration of intimidating materials
Analysis of existing school and concentration of intimidating materials


Diagrams showing increased access to recreation space during cold weather, increased access for community members, and more programmed space
Diagrams showing increased access to recreation space during cold weather, increased access for community members, and more programmed space


Plan/program diagram based on access and ideal adjacencies
Plan/program diagram based on access and ideal adjacencies


Perspective from recreation area showing accessibility of programs within proposal
Perspective from recreation area showing accessibility of programs within proposal


Perspective view from Park Avenue representing more comfortable approach from a child's perspective
Perspective view from Park Avenue representing more comfortable approach from a child’s perspective


1st floor plan
1st floor plan


3rd floor plan
3rd floor plan