gsd: ouagadougou bus shelter network
This project proposes a network of bus shelters throughout Ouagdougou, Burkina Faso that will improve public transit experiences for residents and visitors, provide community public spaces, promote education for all ages, provide electricity for the public and lessees, and create rent-able spaces. A design for one medium-sized shelter is explored but a network of various sized shelters is proposed. The shelter captures solar energy to power lights and electrical outlets while the roof provides maximum shade during the dry season and water protection during the rainy season. The interesting roof support design would be attractive during the day and when lit from within at night. In addition to seating for bus users, the benches could be used by community members, and the central chalkboard could host tutoring sessions, business meetings, or children practicing drawing and writing.
This design was produced for a January Term course dealing with construction in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. One design from the class’s work will be constructed during Summer 2016 in Africa.
Above: Rendering of shelter during day showing engagement of community members and bus users in the central chalkboard and seating area.
Plan showing how the shelter would interface with buses and enable gathering and learning
Other possible sizes and combinations of modules; bottom left also demonstrates a possible configuration to host a small shop
At night, the rebar supported structure would produce interesting shades and designs, which would enhance the night-time experience of the street
Lightweight yet durable, the structure is easily constructible and replicable across the city.
The proposal uses cheap materials available locally like concrete, rebar supports, and metal roofing as well as solar panel technology