core I: extensive/intensive
This project uses a transformation system based in Grasshopper to create an architecture that uses intensive processes of convection and conduction thermodynamics in a first state, and the process of radiation in the second to inform the extensive properties. Through a thick envelope, compact structure and central temperature/people circulation system, the first state utilizes the attributes of the stack effect and a central chimney to drive and enhance its thermodynamic system. As the armature unfolds the geometry (in Grasshopper) into a second, exposed state, the radiation and shading enables a completely different thermodynamic and organizational environment. The proposal references, enables, and explores the dichotomy between environments, geometries, thermodynamic systems, and circulation systems.
Above: Exposed state – hot environment
Process diagram of shapes used in Grasshopper transformation system; shape selected based on maximum exposure to sun in compact state and maximum exposure to sun and wind in the exposed state
Two states analyzed for properties of convection and ability of the building to produce a stack effect
Plans and sections of compact and exposed states
Animated gif showing transformation between compact to exposed states in Grasshopper – although building intended to be able to transition between states in Grasshopper, two states were intended to be static building designs
Program diagram showing where room moves in Grasshopper armature
Compact state – cold environment
Compact state physical model
Exposed state physical model