gis: when in rome map

Interactive web map produced for Professor Marjorie Lehman’s List College Senior Capstone Seminar. The project asked students to synthesize their List College and Columbia majors while also relating to the topic of the seminar, “The Jewish Book.”

The interactive map was designed to be a companion map to Professor Burton Visotzky’s book, Aphrodite and the Rabbis: How the Jews Adapted Roman Culture to Create Judaism as We Know It (St. Martins Press, 2016), which details the impact of Greco-Roman society on Judaism. It places all of the Jewish settlements in context with Roman civilization, and allows users to look at the primary material referenced in the text at their leisure.

Check out the map here

Aphrodite and the Rabbis (formerly titled When in Rome) also includes a static map (page 7) which references the Jewish settlements of the Roman World in the context of modern political boundaries.


gis: datascapes and the informal city

Professor Leah Meisterlin

This course focused on various representational techniques that are possible through web mapping which can represent information available but invisible in the city. The initial project was an analysis into the educational attainment of people born in the United States including a static and interactive Mapbox map (click to view map). The final project was to produce a static and interactive web map (click to view map) that investigated available data and visualized the changing demographics around Canal Street. This project comments on the availability of data and the representation of that lack of data.

Above: Interactive final project web map. (Click here to view project on the class site)

Static map of investigation into educational attainment of domestic-born residents as compared to immigrants in New York City


Interactive web map of investigation into educational attainment of domestic-born residents as compared to immigrants in New York City
Interactive web map of investigation into educational attainment of domestic-born residents as compared to immigrants in New York City. (Click here to view map)


Final project static map comparing data visualization techniques employed in final web map by year
Final project static map comparing data visualization techniques employed in final web map by year

gis: methods & case studies

Leah Meisterlin

Introductory GIS class work to teach basic GIS methods thorough projects placed in context of New York City, including analysis of the wifi hotspots in NYC, and Brooklyn families on welfare.

The final report analyzed the impact of 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games on the quality of life in Atlanta and the state of Georgia using GIS.

View final report here (best if viewed in full screen; landscape if on mobile)

Above: Percent change in quality of life by census tract between 1990 and 2000 compared to tracts within 5 miles of Olympic venues, Atlanta Metropolitan District


Paid and free wifi spots in Manhattan by community district
Paid and free wifi spots in Manhattan by community district


Analysis of Brooklyn households receiving food stamps
Analysis of Brooklyn households receiving food stamps


Quality of life index used for final report and analysis
Quality of life index used for final report and analysis


Quality of life index by census tract in 1990, Georgia
Quality of life index by census tract in 1990, Georgia


Percent change in quality of life by census tract between 1990 and 2000 compared to tracts within 5 miles of Olympic venues, Atlanta Metropolitan District
Percent change in quality of life by census tract between 1990 and 2000 compared to tracts within 5 miles of Olympic venues, Atlanta Metropolitan District